Available Pieces


Gracie’s Gift

Lil’ Gracie Watson died 125 years ago just before her 6th birthday. She is buried in St Bonaventure Cemetery in Savannah, Georgia. To this day, visitors to her grave leave gifts for her. This piece uses maple and wenge. The feature ring is my gift to Gracie - colored pencils set in black-dyed epoxy. I can only hope she would like the colored pencils.

The piece stands approximately 21” tall and is 9 1/2” at its widest diameter. 373 pieces. $700


For Us All

During a vist to St Bonaventure cemetery in Savannah GA, I came across a section dedicated to service members who fell in combat. Many coins were placed on the individual markers; different coins mean varying levels of knowledge of the fallen service member. A penny means you were there and paid your respects. This piece is a show of paying my respect to all fallen service members.

Cherry, walnut and maple - 325 pieces. $650


Movin’ On Up

Prior to opening my bricks and mortar studio and gallery, my studio was in a small room in my home’s basement. This is the last piece I completed prior to moving to the new studio and gallery, a much larger space.

Made from spalted ash, wenge and bocote. 121 pieces. SOLD


Larry’s Vision

I have been doing outdoor art shows for the last few years. I enjoy meeting other artists as well as admire their work. I met a potter at a recent show and enjoyed his work immensely. 2 of his pieces really stood out. With his permission, I combined parts of these 2 pieces to create this vessel. The potter’s name? Larry, of course!

Hickory, walnut and wenge. 217 pieces. $500


Sweet Georgia Brown

My wife and I took a trip to Savannah, GA to celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary, staying in a Air BnB in the old section of the city. A small vase in the Air BnB was the inspiration for this piece; I enlargened the piece by quite a bit.

Made from walnut and ash. 301 pieces. $650


Poetry In Motion

One of my very best friends in high school wrote a fairly risque’ poem for 9th grade english. He totally forgot about the assignment and put the poem together at the last minute. Everyone in the class received an “A”; however, my friend received an “E”. Guess which poem is the only one remembered! This piece is based upon his poem.

Spalted Ash and walnut - 301 pieces. $650


In And Out

The name is for the pattern in this piece. I also had Bon Jovi’s song, “In and Out of Love” in my head for some reason. Designing this piece helped get it out!

Made from maple and katalox. 217 pieces. $350



The piece is named for the crossing pattern made from wenge. When first designing this shape, I knew it needed to be suspended somehow. I decided scroll bent steel legs fit the bill. I was very nervous when drillling the holes for the rivets to attach the legs. One mistake and the piece is ruined!

Maple and wenge- 230 pieces. $375


Two By Two

This is a more modern shape. The design, made from hickory and brazilian cherry, is the basis for this piece’s name. The wood species alternate every 2 segments in each ring layer.

Made from hickory and brazilian cherry. 289 pieces. $480


Scared Straight

The long neck and whiteness of the maple is the genesis for the name of this piece. I harvested the maple for this piece myself.

Maple- 289 pieces. $510


Days of Yore

I always enjoyed visiting my maternal grandfather and step-grandmother as a child. My step-grandmother always had molasses cookies nicknames “cement cookies”. My step-grandmother was fond of white doilies, having them all over her home. This piece harkens back to my visits there and her doilies.

Made from maple and brazilian cherry. 541 pieces. $1400


Cherry Bomb

Occasionally, I make a piece and have no idea what to name it. This is one of those pieces. The piece is named after the wood species that makes up a majority of the piece - brazilian cherry

Brazilian cherry, yellowheart, maple and spalted maple- 145 pieces. SOLD


Lee’s Enlightenment

I visited Pensacola a few years back to attend a wedding. The location of the wedding was Lee House. In their great room was a lamp that is the inspiration for this piece. By now, my wife has become used to me seeking out and studying shapes that inspire me while in a crowded room.

Made from hickory and walnut. 337 pieces. $550



Snake charmers amaze me! To be willing to face a cobra or other type of very deadly snake is almost incomprehensible to me. Charmed is the shape of the baskets these snake charmers use. The cherry segments circling the piece signify the snake.

Maple and cherry- 312 pieces. SOLD



Mythology intrigued me as a child. There are a few sets of triplets in mythology so I made my own set of triplets but with different woods. This piece is one of those triplets.

Made from maple and goncalo alves. 745 pieces. SOLD


New Beginnings

I made this piece to commemorate my wife and I becoming empty nesters. The sunrise, made from brazilian cherry, signifies our beginning this new chapter in our life. Of course, one of our children has moved back in with us temporarily!

Walnut, hickory and brazilian cherry- 559 pieces. $1400


Lemon Twist

For some reason, one day I was thinking about the first “Beverly Hills Cop” movie. Specifically, the scene where Eddie Murphy’s character walks in the gallery and Branson Pinchot’s character asks Eddie if he wants a cappuccino, with a lemon twist? But, of course!

Made from maple and yellowheart. 625 pieces. SOLD


Money, Money

I have fun finding materials to imbed in epoxy. Shredded U.S. currency is a material that is fun to use. I enjoy having people try to figure out what it is before they look at the name of the piece which obviously gives it away.

Walnut, ash with U.S. currency in clear epoxy - 253 pieces. SOLD


To And Fro

One day, I was watching a particulary large tree sway in a strong wind. The phrase “To and fro” jumped into my mind and I thought I could mimic this movement in a piece. The 2 different species of wood moves to and fro as it moves up the piece.

Maple and goncalo alves. 289 pieces. $510


Zip It Good

I really love the contrast of the quilted maple with the very deep maroon of this brazilian cherry. I had just listened to Devo’s song “Whip It Good” when I designed this piece. The maple zipper is on both sides of the piece.

Brazilian cherry and maple- 229 pieces. SOLD


Tea Time

The walnut tornado in the hickory field reminded me of a tempest in a teapot. Hence, the name.

Hickory and walnut. 289 pieces. $480



I enjoyed playing chess with my twin brother as a kid. We were very competitive with each other. More often than not, the losing side with wipe and clear the board with their arm, sending pieces flying. This piece was designed based upon the castle top of the rook.

Maple and katalox- 187 pieces. $360


Holey Smokes

One trademark of a quality turned piece is consistent wall thickness. I designed this piece to showcase the consistency in my turnings. It also allowed me to create a great name for the piece. And, yes, I realized “Holey” is not spelled correctly. Artist perogative!

Hickory and walnut. 289 pieces. $480


Holey Ghost

I grew up in a fairly religious home. I remember coming home on Sundays after church to the smell of dinner cooking, typically a pot roast. It was a wonderful smell and created a great memory for me.

Maple and katalox- 325 pieces. $775


Et Tu, Brute?

My wife and I went to Vegas for her 50th birthday. In Caesar’s Palace, I saw a monstrous floor vase. I loved the shape and began analyzing the piece. I embarrassed my wife to no end in doing that. This piece is the mini-me of that piece. The first thing I think of when I think of Caesar is his assassination; hence, the name.

Maple, wenge, colored pencils in black-dyed epoxy. 872 pieces. $3000.